Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The letter z, summer and memories

I don't have a favorie memory. This is half because I am forgetful as anything (I couldn't tell you what I had for breakfast) and half becaue I could NEVER pick just one.
My whole life, minus a few not-so-shining moments, (like a majority of fifth grade, what little I remember) has been quite good. I've only gone to two funerals in my life and I've never (knock on wood) broken a bone.
So, in short, here is a spattering of my favorite things
 - 2009
 - Going to the Grand Canyon with my grandparents and parents. It was super pretty and I didn't fall in.
 - Being used as a source for pop culture references. I know all the celebrity gossip, and will proudly admit as much.
 - Camp, any of it.
 - Any time with my friends, who probably belong in some sort of institution but are quite funny.
 - When my cousins and I snuck off from Thanksgiving a few years ago.
 - shopping

There's probably a bazillion more, but I don't remember them at the moment. I think I have selective memory blocking or something.

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